Mistress Adelina Frau is not one to be pissed and then keep quiet about it. She was mad at this loser and to make sure it never happened again, she made him eat her shit. She did not feed it to him but she made sure it went straight from her asshole into his mouth. He also had to watch how shit came out of her asshole. Needless to say, he never pissed her off again.
Lady Domi was not happy to learn that her slave had been doing the things she had asked him not to do. She was furious so she used her shit fetish to punish him. She got him to lie down and she took a shit on him. She also used her cigarette to torture him. She had her friend help her to punish the slave in case it got more painful and he resisted.
Mistress Milana was not going to let this loser escape punishment. She had chosen to punish him and she did so as cruelly as she could manage. She did this using her shit. She took a dump on the face of her slave and she used her bare ass to smear the shit on the face of the loser. She then asked him to lick it and chew it. He did.
Mistress Adelina Frau loves to shit on guys. She does it all the time and she does it for fun. She does not do it as punishment. She enjoys luring guys to her house and then getting them to lick her ass voluntarily. She also gets them to eat her shit voluntarily. They always expect to do some kinky stuff to her too but it never reaches that stage for them. Today she got her shit eaten and her asshole licked in the bathroom.
This mistress was not happy to learn that her sister's boyfriend mistreated her. Her sister went to her for help and she helped her sister deal with her boyfriend. She surprised even her sister when she used shit to punish him. She got him to eat her poo and he could not do anything about it. Her sister tried to beg her to forgive him but she did not listen to her.
Mistress Milana and her friends had passed their exams. They were in celebratory moods and they held a party. They had fun and they chose to punish the guy who had given them a hard time at school. Now that they were graduating, there was nothing stopping them from beating him up. They crushed his face with their asses and each one of them took a shit on his face.
This ebony mistress has a nice ass but she is also a cruel person. When her slave pissed her off, she took him to the toilet with her. She made him sit at a vantage position where he could see how she took a shit. It was a close up view for him and she told him to be careful because he would replace her toilet if he was not careful.
This mistress is a crazy person. She loves doing crazy things and today she was trying scat fetish. She had never tried it before and had to do it today because she had the time and the house to herself. She even took a video of how she took a dump so that she could watch it afterward. She had a great time but she had a rough time cleaning the room because it was stinking.
This mistress wanted to show other scat queens how to enjoy scat shit. She loves scat fetish for itself and not because it is a good way to humiliate or to torture. The mistress took a shit on a plate and she ate it in front of the camera. She ate it all and she even licked the plate when she was done. Then she posted the video for other scat fetish mistresses to take notes.
Lady Luisa wanted to punish her co-worker for always being behind people's woes in the office. She called her friend to her house to help her punish him. He had been lured to her house and he went since he did not know he was being punished. The mistresses took a shit on him, whipped him and even got him to drink their vomit. He had no choice but to do it.