Scat & Shit

Site full of scat and shit videos

All articles tagged with "Shit"

Alexa started a scat fetish blog. She wanted it to be the best so she shot videos and photos of herself shitting. She showed how the shit was leaving her asshole and played with it

This mistress wanted to disgust her boyfriend. She took photos of herself shitting and then send him. She was mad at him and wanted him to know

This couple is beyond kinky. They smeared each other with shit and then used it as lubricant to have crazy hardcore sex

Renee wanted to prove how naughty she was. She made a video of her shitting out in public. She did not care who saw her

ScarlettMarie hated the balloons in her apartment. She pooped on them so as to show her husband that she did not want them around

This girl is naughty and a nasty girl. She took a video of herself shitting and then sent it to a random number

Jae wanted to get back at her friend. She went to her bathroom and washed the shit she had smeared on her body in her friend's shower and left it there

When a mistress decides it is time to start cooking in her kitchen, she is going to make a special treat for every slave that plans on visiting her that day. She is going to use all of her shit for the recipe, because she wants to make special chocolate cakes that have a divine taste to them. She is deeply amused by the fact that she is getting all of her slaves cakes.

Becoming a very nice person can be a wonderful thing, especially if a mistress is going to properly train a slave to be the best human toilets a possible. She understands that he needs to be the best, because it is a very competitive world in scat fetish. She is going to take it upon herself to open his mouth, because she wants to place as much shit inside of it as possible.

Alexa is always a wonderful woman to spend time with. She has lovely manners, and she also is great with conversation. She is going to show a slave just how wonderful she can be, because her plan is to give him a wonderful mouth full of shit. She thinks he deserves the world, therefore it is only fitting for him to have a mouth full of warm creamy poop.

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